
All technology these days produces both good results and notable consequences.
The internet is increasingly a perfect case study for this idea.
While better connecting the world and democratizing information, the internet has
also allowed individuals to hide behind masks of anonymity. The “faceless evil”
of the internet is a growing threat for teens, specifically when it comes cyberbullying.
I have a friend who was a victim of cyberbullying. She used to be a confident and
cheerful girl. When she was seventeen, she was invited by a clothing store to be their
After the clothing store posted her photos on social networking sites, the girl faced
massive surprises while browsing the reviews. Many strangers maliciously commented
on her looks and even sent a message to insult her and her family. She is puzzled,
angry and self-doubt.
For a long time afterwards, she did not dare to post photos online, did not dare to
strangers' messages, and even dared not look in the mirror, because she felt that her
appearance was also wrong.
Through this incident, I really feel that cyber violence is so close to each of us, and
the harm it brings is seriously unimaginable.
There is an old saying in China called Do not do evil things though they may be
insignificant. Do not give up good things though they may be minor matters.So I
want to create a project to let people know the seriousness of cyber violence.
Sometimes you think that an insignificant sentence may bring unexpected harm
to others.  
I want to use this project to call on everyone to be sane on the Internet, to be kind,
to resist cyber violence, and to comfort and empower the victims of cyber violence.
Cyber bullying can take many forms:
  • Sending mean messages or threats to a person’s email account or cell
  • Spreading rumors online or through texts
  • Posting hurtful or threatening messages on social networking sites or
web pages
  • Stealing a person’s account information to break into their account and
send damaging messages
  • Pretending to be someone else online to hurt another person
  • Taking unflattering pictures of a person and spreading them through cell
            phones or the Internet
  1. Sexting, or circulating sexually suggestive pictures or messages about a person
According to Cyber bullying statistics from the i-SAFE foundation:
  • Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the
same number have engaged in cyberbullying.
  • More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online.
  • Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through
their cell phones or the Internet.
  • Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs.
  • Fewer than 1 in 5 cyber bullying incidents are reported to law enforcement
  • 1 in 10 adolescents or teens have had embarrassing or damaging pictures taken
of themselves without their permission, often using cell phone cameras
  • About 1 in 5 teens have posted or sent sexually suggestive or nude pictures of
themselves to others
  • Girls are somewhat more likely than boys to be involved in cyber bullying
What I want to do:
  • An app role-playing game
  • A website
  • A video
  • 3 posters
Game: Block Box
When people sends malicious comments and messages to others, they will be
blocked out. In this block box are malicious remarks that cause harm to people.
The victims of cyber bullying seem to be living in a block box.
This game contains several stories about cyber bullying. The purpose of the game
is to let the player help the victim get out of the shadow of cyber bullying. Let
players feel the harm of cyber bullying in this process, pay attention to cyber
bullying, and give comfort and power to the victims of cyber bullying.

My keywords:

Potential methods :

User interview
Interview with future user in the context of the thing I am designing. For example,
interviewing  players at their leisure place for a project about app games.
Through Google Forms  to distribute questions to a much larger group.
Group session
Bringing together a group of participants ,it might efficient to speak to several people
at once.
Expert interview
Interview expert. The interviewee should have deep experience or knowledge in the
relevant area.


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